GAM member, 2 day, through 9/8/2019
$220.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
GAM member, 2 day, after 9/8/2019
$250.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
GAM member, 1 day, through 9/8/2019
$120.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
GAM member, 1 day, after 9/8/2019
$150.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
Parent/student 1 day (includes an introductory GAM membership) NOT FOR EDUCATORS
$60.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
Parent/student 2 day (includes an introductory membership) NOT FOR EDUCATOR USE
$90.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
GAM Conference on Gifted Education 2019 Conference Presentations
GAM Conference on Gifted Education 2017 Conference Presentations
Conference Lodging
Drury Inn and Suites, St. Louis Airport
10490 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO
Make reservations online, or call 1-800-325-0720, You can also call the local number above.
The block rate is good through September 08, 2019.
Group confirmation number 2365537
GAM Conference on Gifted Education 2018 Conference Presentations
Sample of Presentation Topics:
Compentency Based Education
Twice Exceptional (2E) Students
Social-Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
Teaching Units
Registration Information All registrations will be completed through Eventbrite.
Non-member, 2 day, through 9/8/2019 (includes an introductory membership)
$250.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
Non-member, 2 day, after 9/8/2019 (includes an introductory membership)
$280.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
Non-member, 1 day, through 9/8/2019 (includes an introductory membership)
$150.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.
Non-member, 1 day, after 9/8/2019 (includes an introductory membership)
$180.00 Eventbrite fees will apply.